We are delighted to announce that Tidal Health will be opening for patients on the 29th July 2020, so whether you are an existing patient, who has waited for your usual relief and mobility with treatment, or you are new to the clinic and struggled to get help during lockdown, our clinicians are will be here for you.
Please get in touch via email Tidal Health and we will get you scheduled in as soon as we can or use our Booking Page. We will be operating with limited reception cover so if we can not answer please leave a message and we will get back to you.
Please read carefully: We are very excited about Tidal Health opening and able to look after all our patients. We have spent a lot of time and effort making our clinic as safe an environment as possible including carrying out a full risk assessment. We will practice social distancing in the clinic – apart from your hands on treatment with your clinician, who will be wearing appropriate PPE (mask, gloves and apron) as recommended by Public Health England and our governing body. But we need some help from you as well to help protect you, our staff and other patients at the clinic.
1. Stay at home if you have any symptoms of COVID-19
2. Be no earlier than 5 min before your appointment to reduce time in waiting areas
3. Come on your own (guardians bringing children under 16 for treatment and carers allowed)
4. Maintain social distancing in clinic whenever possible
5. Where possible, please avoid using public transport to attend clinic and travel directly from your home to clinic rather than via shops etc
6. Our toilet will not be available for patient use.
Thank you so much for understanding and working with us during this very difficult time. We are so pleased to open and able to help you all again, but very mindful of needing to keep you, us, our other patients as well as our families and wider community safe.
Your experience at Tidal Health clinic will be different to normal but our care and attention will be as it always is!