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Sports Therapist Tom – Helping People through the Challenges of Lockdown.

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Lockdowns and the restrictions of the past 12 months have been difficult for everyone. When the initial lockdown came in it meant the forced closure for all Sports Therapists and I was unable to treat patients for five months.

When we were again allowed to see patients again, I was eager to get back to Tidal Health and start helping people again. The summer faded, with the darkening months for people suffering things can become very bleak.

In December, a patient came to Tidal Health, they had been suffering from neck and shoulder pain, on and off for the past 3 years with more acute flare-ups periodically. The latest flare-up had been ongoing for several months and was aggravated by basic movements, such as sweeping leaves.

The patient would wake up with pain which got steadily worse through the day, insomnia was becoming an issue as the discomfort prevented them falling sleep. The patient was understandably downcast, frustrated and could see no end to their predicament.

With such long-term conditions there is not always a quick fix, it can take time for the patient to recover, see and feel improvements. However, in this case at the first session I was able improve the movement in their neck and shoulders.

The patient was given list of exercises and advice detailing what to do, when and why. Over a couple of further treatments, not only were we able to get their flare up under control but made inroads into the long-term underlying condition. Tidal health has access to an online exercise software which allows them to produce and email bespoke exercise classes to patients, specific to that patients’ requirements.

With further treatments improvements were made and the patient’s normal day to day life was back to normal and function and feeling was greatly improved. They have now returned to the exercise they enjoy, body pump classes, home workouts and running.

During the continued recovering and going forward it is important that the patient knows the things to avoid, minimising the possibility of future flare ups or setbacks. The team at Tidal Health are always here to support them when ever needed.

This is a case study of just one of the many people Tidal Health has been able to and continue to help during these difficult times.

Tom Peddell Sports Therapist @ Tidal Health

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